VIA Group Updates

What Now?
Written by Michael Kiffmeyer, posted on February 27, 2022
We are now going into are the third year of the pandemic and it has been exhausting for everyone. When will this end, when will be safe and when can we go back to a normal way of life? These are all questions that do not have definitive answers at the present time but are needed.
Humans do not like change for the most part, but we are being forced to accept it at the present time. Like it or not we have to work on our mindset and determine based on what we what am I going to do now?

The fallout of the pandemic has touched every aspect of our lives, work, socialization, schools, families, and day-to-day activities. The current state of affairs in the world today has people question are they living the type of life that they had envisioned for themselves and if not, can they change it?

Perhaps you have read or heard about The Great Resignation. Also known as the Big Quit, which is an economic trend in which employees voluntarily resign from their jobs en masse, beginning in early 2021, primarily in the United States.

Employees resign from their jobs for a variety of reasons, including job dissatisfaction, new offers of employment and family obligations. It is not necessary to provide your employer with the exact reasons for your resignation.
 People are coming to grips that the most efficient way to create a long and happy life is by figuring out who you are and how you’re meant to live. There is no better time to do a self-assessment of your life and to do what you always wanted to do
Growing up, you weren’t taught or encouraged to live from your authentic self. You were too busy surviving and adapting to succeed in an unsafe world. But now you have the chance to fill that gap. There are no guarantees, so it is time to adjust, pivot, and go for it. It is time for you to make the rules and if you do not, they will be made for you.

Live the life you want to live and become the person you want to be remembered for.
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At Visions in Action, we do exactly what the name implies. We help you to define your Why and purpose in this life that will help you or any organization to turn their dreams and vision into reality.

About Author:
Michael Kiffmeyer

My name is Michael Kiffmeyer. I am a life and business transformation coach who helps individuals and organizations turn their dreams and visions into reality.
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